In a companies lifetime, going public is always one of the most exciting moments. The IPO process is a combination of years of planning, and the close coordination between many professionals and specialists. One of the most vital decisions a company will face when they are in the IPO process is the choosing of a transfer agent and issuance services provider, which is the link between you as a company and your shareholders.
The transfer agent provides a direct communication between yourself as a company and your shareholders needs, be it investor inquiries, customer service or administrative tasks relating to the issuance of your companies stock. At the end of your Initial Public Offering, West Hills Worldwide will work closely with you to be the pivotal point of contact between your shareholders and your company.
West Hills Worldwide are committed to offering their full service and assistance through your Initial public offering process. We will work both closely and personally with your investors, counsel and underwriters to ensure that your big move is both successful and efficient. West Hills Worldwide will proudly serve as a key member of your IPO team, and will provide you with as much consultative and administrative expertise as you require.